Privacy Policy

The following policy details how Pelliconi & C. S.p.A., with registered office at via Emilia 314, Ozzano dell’Emilia (Bologna), Italy (from now on referred to as “Pelliconi”), handles your data in compliance with the European Regulation 2016/679 (“GDPR”) and with the Legislative Decree No. 196/2003, as updated by the Legislative Decree No. 101/2017 (from now on, together with GDPR, both will be referred to as “Privacy Regulations”).

Furthermore, this page describes how Pelliconi’s website handles personal data obtained from those who navigate through it (Users). This policy concerns those who grant their data, not only through the Internet, for it to be handled for commercial purposes and those who interact with web services provided by Pelliconi & C. S.p.A., on the websites and (both will be referred to as “Websites”).

This policy concerns those two websites owned by Pelliconi & C. S.p.A. alone and does not concern other websites that might be accessible through links.

When is your personal data collected?

Your personal data is collected in the following situations:

- if you wish to receive our newsletters;

- if you wish to become our customer;

- if your purchase Pelliconi’s products.


Browsing data


Apart from browsing data, as website visitor, no one is required to send any other information to browse the Website; however, the regular functioning of the Website itself and the software and processes behind it automatically collect, as part of their functioning processes, some data whose transmission is implicit in the Internet communication protocols.

The information is not collected to be linked to identified subjects, but its nature might allow the identification of the users. Such data includes (i) IP addresses or the name of the device that has been used by the user to connect to the Website, (ii) URI addresses (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the requested sources, (iii) time of request, and (iv) other information concerning operative system and user interfaces, (v) visited pages, clicks and browsing behavior.


Such data is collected to obtain statistics connected to the Websites use and to assess the digital behavior of users. The log files will be traced, recorded and kept for security reasons, since they can be accessed by the judicial police in the event it requests to do so. The users’ browsing data will be kept for no longer than 24 months by the third party we have placed in charge of keeping such record.




We inform those who visit our websites that we use technical cookies and client data collection cookies to allow the Website to properly run. Please see our cookie policy for more information about this topic.


Who is the holder of your personal data?


Pelliconi & C. S.p.A., Ozzano dell’Emilia (Bologna) Italia, via Emilia n. 314 , R.E.A. BO 193288, V.A.T. IT00502181209 – FISCAL CODE 00315140376.


Which personal data do we collect, why and in compliance with which regulations do we process it?


Pelliconi may handle your personal data for the following reasons, in compliance with the following regulations:






Name, surname, address, phone number, email address, company.

Comply with legal obligations and other provisions set out by authorities. 

Comply with legal obligations.

Name, surname, address, phone number, email address, company, company position, purchase information.

Register as a Pelliconi customer, granting you benefits as you will have the possibility to access offers and exclusive services for registered customers. 

Fulfilment of a contract that interests the party involved, or complying with pre-contractual provisions.

Name, surname, address, phone number, email address, company, company position, information of interest, IP address, date, time and place of access.

To enact marketing and promotional activities through emails or social media, or through the use of automated means and user profiling.

With your explicit consensus to the handling for the mentioned purposes.

The Personal Data is collected by the Website for the following purposes and using the following services:


- Statistics;

Monitoring and analyzing browsing data to keep track of the Users’ behaviors;

Marketing activities.


Google Analytics (Google Inc.)

Google Analytics is a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google uses the Personal Data collected to trace and examine users’ behaviors, fill reports and share them with other services developed by Google. Personal Data collected: Cookies and usage Data.

Place of handling: USA – Privacy Policy on


Hubspot (HubSpot, Inc.)

Hubspot is a digital platform that leverages Inbound Marketing methodology as an all-in-one marketing tool, providing useful features for blogging, SEO, social network management, email, landing pages, marketing automation and web analytics.

Personal data collected: name, surname, email address and any other personal information contained in the contact request forms.

Place of processing: IRELAND through its affiliate HubSpot Ireland Limited - Privacy Policy at


How is your personal data handled and protected?

Your personal data may be handled, electronically or on paper. Pelliconi will make sure that your data is kept safe and only used for the purposes mentioned in this privacy policy (and nothing else). The information in Pelliconi’s possession can be consulted or corrected by you if you request it.


Pelliconi enacts organizational, technical and administrative measures to help in preventing personal information in his control being lost, abused or modified. However, it is not possible to guarantee that the processes of online transmission of data or electronic storage are 100% safe. Therefore, we invite you not to send any personal data via email.


How long do we keep your personal data for?

Personal data will be stored by Pelliconi for 24 months, which could be extended if the user remains active. Afterwards, the data will be kept only to comply with specific regulatory or contractual duties, including those imposed by laws connected to civil and fiscal regulations, other than administrative purposes and/or to uphold a right in the case of a litigation or a claim.


Is it compulsory to provide personal data and what are the consequences of failing to do so?

It is necessary to provide data for the purposes mentioned as legal obligations, for registering as a customer and for contractual purposes. If you do not wish that Pelliconi handles your data for the aforementioned purposes, Pelliconi will respect your choice. However, in that event, it will not be possible for you to register and benefit from the advantages deriving from the registration (memorization of the orders by the Website, recommendations for future orders, etc.)


On the other hand, providing data to receive our newsletters is optional. Not providing data for such purpose will not bear any negative consequences for you. If you have given your data for such purpose, you can revoke your consensus at any time, using the dedicated option you can find in any newsletter you will receive.



Does Pelliconi provide your data to third parties?

Pelliconi does not sell, market or transfer customers’ data to any third party.

Pelliconi provides data to subjects within the Group, or to suppliers that provide assistance concerning the management of our website or activities, as well as in relation to marketing automation (including remarketing through websites or social media), Google Adwords, Google Rag Manager, or services that ensure services to the User.


Moreover, the company might be obliged to provide data in order to comply with regulations that apply in the country of reference, in order to comply with terms and conditions connected to the use of its website, or to protect rights, property or the security of third parties. The company may also provide non-personal data for marketing needs, advertisement or different purposes.

Pelliconi’s websites hosts blogs and other websites, applications and social media, allowing the user to share content with other users (“Social media applications”). It is important to remember that the data provided by the user to such Social media applications may be read, collected and used by other users of said application. Pelliconi has no control on such users and therefore it cannot guarantee that the data provided by the User to Social media applications will be handled in compliance with this policy.


User’s Consensus

By using our Website and having given your data for the scope indicated above, you as a User declare to accept the terms outlined by this privacy Policy.

In case user gave its data also to receive information on our products and our marketing campaign, they explicitly declare to accept the marketing processing of data as well as the profiling of data as outlined by this privacy policy, having the right to revoke his/her consensus at any given time.

Specifically, with reference to receiving newsletters, the consensus can be revoked by using the option that is provided in every newsletter. You may revoke your consensus to marketing and profiling services by writing to Pelliconi using the addresses below or through the dedicated link in the emails received.


Your privacy rights

You have the right to ask about the existence of personal data regarding you in the possession of Pelliconi. You can ask to see such data, correct it or delete it. You can ask for restrictions in the handling of personal data that concerns you, or you can oppose the handling of data or the right of data portability.

Your address may be used to send promotional communications related to products marketed by Pelliconi. At any given time, initially or after a few communications, you may oppose the use of your address for such purposes, using the option that you will find in every communication.

You have the right to make a complaint to the Guarantor Authority responsible for the Protection of Personal Data and/or any other authority if you deem that our handling of your data somehow violates the current privacy law.

To exercise these rights, you may call Pelliconi & C. S.p.A., Ozzano dell’Emilia (Bologna) Italy, via Emilia n. 314, Phone. +39/051 6512611, Fax +39/051 6511952, email PEC DPO


Changes to the Privacy Policy

Should we decide to change the content of our privacy policy, we will update the content of this page and/or the date of amendment of the corresponding document. The last change to this policy was made on October 26, 2020.